Maryland Volkssport Association

Maryland's State Excerise is walking!

Maryland Counties Program

Explore Maryland by doing a Volkssport event in each of the 23 counties in Maryland. Currently, there is at least one volksmarch event in each of the counties.

 The logbook is available for $12 from

Maryland Volkssport Association
2126 Gatewood Pl
Silver Spring, MD 20903

Walk or cycle 14 different AVA-sanctioned events in Virginia along the WARO or historically linked to the 1781-83 events in Maryland. 

The following YREs are available at anytime of the year.

The C&O Canal Towpath YRE can be used for any of the following counties; Allegany, Frederick, Montgomery, and Washington.

Y0747 - C&O Canal from Georgetown, DC to Cumberland, MD

Y0699 - C&O Canal Towpath Bike Event

Caroline County

Talbot County